GOOD NEWS Outreach Booklets
GOOD NEWS for YOUNG PEOPLE A presentation of the Gospel, packed with photos and original cartoons, for young people - beginning with the question: "Who am I?" It explains the importance of Jesus' ministry, crucifixion and resurrection. It explains how to become a Christian and outlines the essential building blocks that help us grow in the faith.
40 pages. £2-50 plus £1-50 p & p. |
GOOD NEWS for YOUNG PARENTS A fresh explanation of what it means to be born again, using the familiar experiences of motherhood and parenting. The baby in the womb, child birth and the early stages of infant growth provide images that reflect the spiritual relationship God wants us all to enjoy with him. 32 Pages. £2-50 plus £1.50 p & p.
GOOD NEWS in our LONELINESS This booklet addresses our everyday experiences of loneliness, whether married, single, bereaved, struggling or successful, having faith or no faith. It challenges us to step out and claim all God's blessings, explaining the real hope Jesus offers in practical and personal ways.
40 pages. £2-50 plus £1.50 p & p. |
Written for retirees who chose to continue working, pursue hobbies or just enjoy well-earned leisure. It is a time to reassess our life achievements but they cannot fully satisfy the human soul. Complete satisfaction and fulfillment is only found by having the living God in our lives, and this booklet explains how we do that.
28 pages. £2-50 plus £1-50 p & p. |
GOOD NEWS when walking with DEMENTIA
By God's grace and the work of the Holy Spirit those suffering early symptoms of dementia can hear the call of God in their lives, and respond to the Lord Jesus in faith. This booklet helps them do this and find peace in their hearts that overcomes their anxieties and fears for the future.
24 pages. £2-50 plus £1-50 p & p. |
This booklet tackles the difficult the subject of death from a Christian perspective. It explains in non-religious and non-threatening language what happens to Christians when they die. It has been of especial help to both Christians and non-Christians, who are seriously sick or terminally ill. Many people want to face these honest issues, which are presented in a compassionate and an uplifting way.
40 Pages. £2.50 plus £1.50 p & p. |
GOOD NEWS in our LATER YEARS A gentle presentation of the Gospel for those in their later years, including beautiful photos that powerfully reflect the words. Used extensively in care homes, this booklet has blessed thousands of elderly people since its publication. Words that speak to the heart from God.
24 pages. £2-50 plus £1-50 p & p. |
GOOD NEWS On The Street
Intended to be used for all involved with prayer, ministry or outreach beyond the confines of the church building - on the street, in the market place, coffee shop, pub and wherever else God provides an open door to meet with others and share our faith.
28 pages. £2-50 plus £1-50 p & p. |
Reaching out to STRANGERS
On The Street A companion guide for teams going out on the street to offer help and encouragement. Topics include: setting our goals, working as a team, praying and healing on the street, using Christian literature, inviting strangers to church, and making the most of the opportunity God has given us.
Pocket Sized Edition only
10 Copies for £5, Postage Free |
GOOD NEWS when facing CANCER For those suffering the trauma of being diagnosed with cancer and facing a challenging course of treatment and an uncertain future. God is not distant from our troubles but cares for us and wants to carry us through them. Through Jesus we can have peace in our hearts in the midst of the most difficult of circumstances. This booklet explains how to find that peace.
24 pages. £2-50 plus £1-50 p & p. |